From Date:   To Date:

Residential College Averange Electricity usage (kWh/month) Minimal Electricity Usage(kWh/month) Potential of Electricity Saving (kWh/month) Percentage of Electricity Saving Potential Reduction of CO2 Emmission (kg)
1st RC 0 10606.2003580729 0 0 0
2nd RC 0 9353.92496744792 0 0 0
3rd RC 0 5966.59993489583 0 0 0
4th RC 0 9523.05826822917 0 0 0
5th RC 0 15177.0914713542 0 0 0
6th RC 0 17623.3577473958 0 0 0
7th RC 0 10824.8917643229 0 0 0
8th RC 0 9395.19205729167 0 0 0
9th RC 0 18573.4505208333 0 0 0
10th RC 0 12680.849609375 0 0 0
11th RC 0 28587.7669270833 0 0 0
12th RC 0 74621.5885416667 0 0 0
Bank Islam 0 0.833333333333333 0 0 0